Sunday, June 16, 2024

Must-Watch for Entrepreneurs: ‘The Founder’


“The Founder,” a film that delves into the origins of the globally recognized fast-food chain McDonald’s, presents a captivating story of ambition, innovation, and the relentless pursuit of the American Dream.

Michael Keaton’s portrayal of Ray Kroc, the man behind the transformation of a small eatery into an international phenomenon, serves as the film’s cornerstone. This review offers a positively biased perspective, highlighting the film’s portrayal of motivation, ambition, and the spirit of entrepreneurship.

the founderSynopsis: The Birth of a Fast-Food Empire

The movie begins in the 1950s, introducing Ray Kroc as a struggling milkshake machine salesman. His discovery of a unique fast-food restaurant in San Bernardino, California, operated by the McDonald brothers, marks the starting point of an amazing journey. The innovative fast-food model, emphasizing speed, consistency, and affordability, fascinates Kroc. He foresees a golden opportunity for expansion and doesn’t hesitate to convince the brothers to franchise their concept.

Michael Keaton’s Portrayal of Ray Kroc

Michael Keaton brings to life the character of Ray Kroc with an enthralling performance. He perfectly captures Kroc’s transformation from a struggling salesman to a ruthless business magnate. Keaton’s interpretation reflects the complexity of Kroc’s character – a blend of relentless ambition, charisma, and a drive that borders on obsession. His portrayal is a highlight of the film, adding depth to the narrative.

The Motivation Behind the Success

“The Founder” effectively illustrates the driving forces behind Kroc’s success. His relentless motivation, combined with a visionary mindset, is central to the story. The film showcases Kroc’s journey, filled with challenges and setbacks, yet underscored by his unwavering determination to succeed. It’s a testament to the power of persistence in the face of adversity.

Exploring the American Dream

At its core, the film is a depiction of the American Dream. Kroc, starting as an average salesman, embodies the spirit of entrepreneurship and the possibility of achieving great success through hard work and determination. The film serves as an inspiration, portraying the American Dream as an attainable reality, albeit not without its complexities and moral ambiguities.

The Evolution of the McDonald’s Menu

An interesting aspect of the film is its focus on the development of the McDonald’s menu. The simplified menu, focusing on a few items done exceptionally well, revolutionized the fast-food industry. The film delves into the thought process behind this innovation, highlighting its impact on the efficiency and popularity of the brand.

Brand Development and Innovation

“The Founder” presents a fascinating study in brand development and innovation. It demonstrates how Kroc, with his foresight and business acumen, turned a local restaurant into a global brand. The film pays homage to the innovative techniques and business strategies employed, setting a precedent in the fast-food industry.

The Darker Side of Ambition

While the film predominantly portrays Kroc’s ambition in a positive light, it doesn’t shy away from exploring its darker aspects. The narrative reveals how his relentless pursuit of success leads to questionable decisions, both in business and personal life. It’s a crucial reminder of the potential ethical compromises in the path to success.

The Impact on Modern Fast Food Places

“The Founder” provides insights into how McDonald’s set the standard for modern fast food places. The emphasis on systematization, standardization, and a franchise model influenced the entire industry, reshaping the global fast-food landscape.

Reflections on Success

The film invites the audience to understand the nature of success. It raises questions about the cost of ambition and the ethical considerations of business practices. Through Kroc’s story, viewers are encouraged to contemplate the balance between ambition and morality.

The Path to Achievement: A Different Perspective

In its conclusion, the film offers a nuanced perspective on the path to achievement. It suggests that success is not merely a result of ambition and hard work but also involves timing, luck, and sometimes the willingness to bend the rules. This alternative viewpoint adds depth to the narrative, encouraging viewers to critically assess the story presented.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Q: How accurate is “The Founder” in depicting the true story of McDonald’s?

A: While the film takes certain creative liberties, it largely stays true to the historical events surrounding the rise of McDonald’s and Ray Kroc’s role in it.

Q: Does the film portray Ray Kroc in a negative light?

A: The film presents a balanced view of Ray Kroc. While it highlights his ambition and business acumen, it also showcases the more controversial aspects of his character and business practices.

Q: What makes “The Founder” stand out among other biopics?

A: Its focus on the complexities of the American Dream, coupled with Michael Keaton’s powerful performance, sets it apart. The film delves into the darker sides of ambition and success, offering a more nuanced portrayal than typical success-story narratives.

In conclusion, “The Founder” is a compelling portrayal of ambition, innovation, and the pursuit of the American Dream. It’s a film that not only entertains but is also thought provoking opening the door to discussion about the nature of success and the ethical dilemmas one might face on the road to achieving it. With stellar performances and a well-crafted narrative, it’s a must-watch for anyone interested in the stories behind some of the world’s most iconic brands


Kevin Ross
Kevin Ross
Kevin "KevRoss" Ross is a music and radio industry expert. He is a 20 -plus year entrepreneur with the leading most successful industry trade publication and site Radio Facts ( He has also published various books, magazines, performed marketing and promotions for major corporations and recording artists and he is on the advisory board of several industry organizations. This year Ross introduced his non profit organization LOMARI (Leaders of the Music and Recording Industry) to help teach young minority students how to market and manage their music and products.

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