Monday, June 17, 2024


Avoid Stagnation: Aim for Growth and Success

I have always been very adamant about the direction, goals and focus of my business, never letting anyone or anything change that. I realize now that's a mistake. If you notice, most older business owners think they have their formulas patented when it comes to the success of their business and we don't. Trends change and we have to be willing to keep up with them and to keep learning or we stop growing. EBONY magazine is struggling and I remember I stopped reading that magazine in the 80s because it never moved past that period. [...]

Enhancing Focus for Self-Employed Success: Top Strategies

A Self-Employed Trip Turns into a Greater Education on Business Development In 2017 I took a 1-week trip to help out a few family members. [...]

Business Growth Through New Perspectives

When You Are Immersed, You're Drowning and Can't Breathe Recently, while on a trip, I got a great opportunity to see my business in FULL perspective. One of the first things I can tell you, probably the MOST important thing in order to do this ... is to BREAKAWAY.  As the old saying goes, "The grass is always greener on the other side." I mean completely break away no social media, no emails, very limited cell phone use, and spending the time to get to know yourself. [...]

It’s Time to Hire an Assistant When….

Photo by Christina @ on Unsplash It's Time to Hire an Assistant When....For many years I did MOST of the work in my business myself. I didn't trust other people to run my business the way I wanted them to do it and I thought the only person who could do it the way I needed it to be done was me. Allow me to say, that will KILL YOU... [...]

Brand Expert Sheila Coates Talks to Blog Wallet

Brand Ambassador Sheila Coates Talks to Blog Wallet Blog Wallet talked to Sheila Coates recently. Coates is considered to be one of the best in the business of branding and this description from her site says it best. Sheila Coates, the creator of BYOB, brings two decades of entertainment experience with expertise in branding, marketing, artist development, lifestyle & business strategies and creating great images. Her successful career includes memorable red-carpet appearances and marketing campaigns for “A” list celebrities such as: Diddy, Babyface, Mary J. [...]

Strategies for Small Business Profit Increase

As you take a moment to reflect on your achievements and assess your business strategy, it is crucial to acknowledge that there is always ample space for enhancement and growth.

Want to Succeed as a black entrepreneur? Get a Mentor and…

Mentors Key to Small business Owner Success You have a compelling business model ... ambition ... black entrepreneurial spirit. Add in a solid business plan and the necessary capital, and you may be well on your way toward launching a business. But before you take the leap into owning your own business, it's worthwhile to consider adding in another important element -- the guidance of a mentor. According to a recent survey conducted by The UPS Store, 88 percent of black entrepreneurs believe having a mentor has been invaluable. [...]

Keeping Finances Healthy: 5 Business Ideas

Small business Idea “Small business idea: How to clean up your finances and keep your company in the black,” managing a business can be both rewarding and stressful. While keeping an eye on their small business finances might not be an owner’s top priority when first establishing their business, it should become ingrained into their daily routine. [...]

Save Time: Easy Tips to Spot Free Information Clients

Without question if you want your business to grow you have to upgrade your business repeatedly as well as things that you do and the people you deal with. It's unfortunate but everyone is not going to grow with you and some people will even hold you WAY back from forging ahead. Finally, success is not defined by millions of dollars, it is defined by success and leadership. the man or the woman who does their own thing and does it well. [...]

Launch Two Businesses in Just 30 Days: A Step-by-Step Guide

For the past 10 years, I have been unchallenged in my current main business which is a blog for the music industry. It does well and I make a great living from it but I don't have that leap-out-of-bed-to-face-the-day feeling anymore. True black entrepreneurs know what I'm talking about. [...]

Starting a Business? A Few Things You Need to Know

Starting a Business? A few things You Need to Know Starting a business? Here are a few tips to help you along the way. I've been in business now for 23 years. I've been very lucky because it's been estimated that up to 85% of new businesses fail within the first four years or less. Some studies state as high as 60% of new businesses fail within the first year. [...]