Tuesday, May 7, 2024
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Rushion McDonald, Steve Harvey’s Business Partner Gives Great Tips on Doing Business

How can you market your skills to get the attention of major corporations, your boss or even a potential client? How do you broker...

Rushion McDonald Offers Business Tips

Steve Harvey and Rushion McDonald How can you market your skills to get the attention of major corporations, your boss or even a potential client? How do you broker great deals and ensure long term income and work on a great retirement for yourself? We are honored this week to have as a guest the man who has brokered blockbuster deals for superstar entertainment Mogul Steve Harvey. [...]

Present what you Represent or You Won’t Make the Sale

You really do get what you pay for and I am not a big fan of commercial gyms. Each one will tell you they are better than the others but they are essentially all the same, disgusting bathrooms, nasty machines with sweat streaks and 95% of the patrons are there for every other reason but to work out which makes it difficult to have a routine when you are serious about working out. I like to be in environments and around people that are results based and oriented because that is who I am. [...]

Cab Companies Ignored Technology now Ride Sharing Creates Slew of Successful Entreprenuers (vid)

Here at Blog Wallet we love to see minority entrepreneurs prosper even if it's by mistake. Cab drives have owned the cab industry for...

Ride Sharing Success vs. Cab Companies’ Tech Neglect

Here at Blog Wallet we love to see minority black entrepreneurs prosper even if it's by mistake. Cab drives have owned the cab industry for decades and now they are claiming they are being treated unfairly because companies like Uber and Lyft are exploding nationwide. I know several people who work for Uber and LOVE it. They love the freedom and the independence and a taste of what it's like to be an entreprenur for the first time. [...]

Why You Must Climb Higher when Business is Great!

As entrepreneurs we BEG for a break at times. When all the bills are paid and we have a bit of expendable cash in...

Boost Motivation by Attending Industry Events

This past weekend I attended the Living Legends event in Los Angeles. I made some incredible reconnections and established new connections within my industry...

Want Motivation? Attend Events in Your Field, Accept Invitiations

This past weekend I attended the Living Legends event in Los Angeles. I made some incredible reconnections and established new connections within my industry...